Isaac Scientific Publishing

Geosciences Research

Engineering Evaluation of Lateritic Soils of Failed Highway Sections in Southwestern Nigeria

Download PDF (577.8 KB) PP. 210 - 218 Pub. Date: August 18, 2017

DOI: 10.22606/gr.2017.23006


  • Omowumi Ademila*
    Department of Earth Sciences, Adekunle Ajasin University, Akungba-Akoko, Nigeria


Engineering impact of lateritic soils underlying some failed roads and highways in Akure, southwestern Nigeria was investigated with the aim of evaluating its competence for highway pavement structures. Twenty-eight bulk soil samples of lateritic soil were collected from five failed sections and two stable sections for index and strength tests related to road construction. The soils from the stable sections have higher specific gravity (2.73-2.86) with less amount of clay (23.68%) and indicate A-6 and A-2-6 on the AASHTO classification system compared to soils from the failed sections of A-7-6 implying poor quality subgrade. High water absorption capability, high proportion of fines (> 57%) and high values of linear shrinkage (> 8%) of soils from failed sections caused pore water pressures to develop, resulting in loss of strength with percentage reduction in strength up to 79%. The predominance of fines in the lateritic soils, low California bearing ratio (14-32% unsoaked; 3-11% soaked) and low strength characteristics (angle of friction: 13-17°, shear strength: 79-108kN/m2) are responsible for the degree of instability witnessed. The poor geotechnical properties ofthe lateritic soils of failed sections imply that they are unsuitable for use as subgrade materials inroad construction and even in other engineering structures. Importance of detailed sampling oflateritic soils is stressed for correct assessment of highway subgrade soils. The results of this studywill be useful in rehabilitation and reconstruction works of the failed sections of the road and properdocumentation of this investigation is recommended for future pavement design and construction ofroads.


Engineering impact, lateritic soil, highway pavement, strength characteristics, stabilization.


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