Isaac Scientific Publishing

Annals of Advanced Agricultural Sciences

A New Bio-Activator “Elixir” Effect on Yield Increase of Field Crops

Download PDF (144 KB) PP. 38 - 42 Pub. Date: August 14, 2017

DOI: 10.22606/as.2017.11005


  • Saifeldin M. Elamin*
    Department of Horticulture, CAS, Sudan University of Science and Technology
  • Randa B. M. Ali
    Agricultural Research Corporation, Khartoum
  • Asim F. Abo-Sarra
    Agricultural Research Corporation, Khartoum
  • Hussam M. Husain
    Department of Horticulture, CAS, Sudan University of Science and Technology
  • Sarra Adam
    Department of Horticulture, CAS, Sudan University of Science and Technology


Experiments were conducted under field and on-farm conditions at different sites in Khartoum State in 2013 and 2014. The main objective was to study the effect of a new bio-activator and organic fertilizer ‘’Elixir’’ on growth and yield of table grapes, alfalfa and musk melon. The results showed that application of Elixir, at the rate of (35 l/ha) split in five weekly doses on heavy clay soils under tropical conditions, significantly improved growth and yield parameters of table grapes Vitis vinifera L. Yield of table grapes increased steadily with increase in number of applications in both sites. High fruit cluster weights of 565.1 and 600.0 g and total yields of 27.7 And 41.3 t/ha, were recorded by variety Cardinal, from sites I and II, respectively. Fruits TSS was not significantly affected by Elixir. Supporting noticeably high yield increases were attained from on-farm trials by Elixir at Dal Agric. project on a new alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) crop by 30.4% and the old crops by 42.0% and 35.1% in Dal and 72.7% and 169.6% in Inmaa project for first and second cuts, respectively. Likewise, application of 35l/ha of Elixir significantly increased muskmelon (Cucumis melo L.), variety Green star, yield to 24.7 t/ha.


Elixir, bio-fertilizer, field crops, yield increase.


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