Isaac Scientific Publishing

Advances in the Linguistic Sciences

An Analysis of Word Meanings in English Vignettes Facing Innovative Teaching Reform

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DOI: 10.22606/als.2020.22002


  • Dan Xu*
    Faculty of International Studies, Henan Normal University, Xinxiang, China


English phrasal verbs are English verbs composed of a verb plus one or two vignettes. Its function is equivalent to a complete syntactic and semantic unit. The metacognitive theory in cognitive linguistics is applied to lexical research in applied linguistics. Promoting effects of conceptual metaphor, image schemata metaphor and conceptual metonymy consciousness in idiomatic chunk learning are proposed and confirmed through empirical research. It has been proved in practice that conceptual metaphors have cultural characteristics, that is, conceptual metaphors are not equivalent in various cultures, some conceptual metaphors are universal, and some have cultural particularities. Based on the theory of cognitive metaphors, and centering on the vignettes in phrasal verbs, starting from the spatial meaning of the vignettes, discovering their metaphorical meanings to help students better understand and use English phrasal verbs, thereby improving students' comprehensive language use ability.


particle, metaphor theory, semantic features, teaching English


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