Isaac Scientific Publishing

Frontiers in Management Research

Social Experiment for Rural India: Addressing Indian Farmers Suicide Problems via Wireless Technology

Download PDF (302 KB) PP. 126 - 140 Pub. Date: October 10, 2017

DOI: 10.22606/fmr.2017.14002


  • Frank Lorne*
    Professor of Management, New York Institute of Technology-Vancouver
  • Roy Lai
    Chairman, Professor, Confederal Networks Inc.
  • Rimjhim Rosalin
    MBA candidates, New York Institute of Technology-Vancouver.
  • NikhilDnyandev Kurundvade
    MBA candidates, New York Institute of Technology-Vancouver.
  • Himanshu Ratra
    MBA candidates, New York Institute of Technology-Vancouver.


India has a huge population, with 70% of the labor force engaged in agriculture. A social experiment is proposed in this paper for a focus study of the problem and the remedy for the Indian farmers suicide phenomenon. As a deep rooted problem in rural India, this paper suggests the need for bringing psychological consultation for the farmers, as suicide is an impulsive act that cannot be solely solved by long term infrastructure investment aiming for improvement of productivity and technology. The paper argues that the social experiment should be conducted in small scale in a remote rural setting as a small step, ideally by suitable NGOs, to more effectively isolate factors that contribute to the cause, as well as to experiment with more cost effective ways to provide remedies. Wireless technology provides the “in-the-moment” intervention for an impulsive act of selfdestruction. Although this intervention will not solve intermediate and long term infrastructure problems on the needs of farmers in rural India, it can be used as a spring board to promote other innovative initiatives of using wireless and digital technology. When farmers in primitive remote areas start using wireless technology and embrace the use of it as a habit, it will allow an easier integration with the many smart village initiatives already started and on-going in India. Promoting lifestyle is as important as promoting productivity. The social experiment will enhance sustainable development for India.


India farmers suicide, telemedicine, NGO, wireless technologies for sustainable development


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