Isaac Scientific Publishing

Journal of Advances in Education Research

Fulfilling a Failed Dream: School Dropout and Second Chance Schools

Download PDF (480.4 KB) PP. 98 - 108 Pub. Date: May 8, 2018

DOI: 10.22606/jaer.2018.32004


  • Elena Papachristopoulou
    Patras University
  • Pandelis Kiprianos
    Patras University
  • Michael Christodoulou
    Patras University


This article aims to investigate school dropout before the completion of compulsory education. The material consisted of the life stories of 26 adult learners at the Second Chance Schools (SCS), which were analysed using the biographical method. Interviews were also held with 4 teachers at the SCS. The questions were organised around five axes: childhood pathways, reasons for dropping out of school, consequences of this decision in their life, reasons for re-entering education and additional biographical designs. Four thematic fields emerged, based on which school dropout is articulated narratively and given meaning as a life choice: a) early involvement with the job market or the creation of a family, b) family life as a “problematic situation”, c) emigration and d) learning difficulties.


Second chance schools, school dropout, biographical method, life stories, school investment.


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