Isaac Scientific Publishing

Journal of Advances in Education Research

A Journey from within: The Virtual Mentoring CASE Model

Download PDF (190 KB) PP. 253 - 264 Pub. Date: November 9, 2017

DOI: 10.22606/jaer.2017.24006


  • Hazel Owen*
    Ethos Consultancy New Zealand and CORE Education New Zealand
  • Rick Whalley
    CORE Education, New Zealand


A shared ‘learning journey’ can open up multiple pathways, with each individual's journey shaped by their beliefs, values and prior experiences. There is a growing interest in Professional Learning and Development (PLD) that offers multiple ways to participate, apply and collaborate, in part by using the affordances of technology. Virtual and face-to-face professional learning provision, in particular mentoring, have differences. This paper extrapolates and applies the findings of two studies, drawing on the experiences of students in the Virtual Learning Network Primary study, and those of adult learners in the Virtual Professional Learning and Development programme. The authors identified four key stages that they then encapsulated in the virtual mentoring CASE (Contextual, Administration, Scaffolding, Empowering) Model. The model is situated within a mediated agency framework, which helps illustrate the complexity of contexts that influence the design of a PLD provision, and which can be used in a variety of situations.


Professional development, mentor, kaiārahi, mentee, transformation, contextual.


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