Isaac Scientific Publishing

Journal of Advances in Education Research

Repeated Field Teaching: Preservice Teachers' Changes in Teaching Efficacy and Theories of Mathematics Teaching

Download PDF (409 KB) PP. 241 - 252 Pub. Date: November 9, 2017

DOI: 10.22606/jaer.2017.24005


  • Mei-Shiu Chiu*
    National Chengchi University, Taiwan


The aim of this study was to understand preservice teachers’ changes in their perceived teaching efficacy and theories of mathematics teaching by repeated field-teaching. A mathematics (teaching) methods course was designed to include repeated field-teaching with multiple supports, including course instructors, school teachers, peers, and a course website. The course website was used to organize all course reading materials, discussion, work submission, and research data collection. Compared with that after first filed-teaching, the preservice teachers’ teaching efficacy increased after the second field-teaching in pedagogy-content coordination, fluent teaching process, effective solution to student difficulties, and problem posing. In addition, their theories of effective mathematics teaching changed from teacher-centered, theoretical, and procedural approaches to student-centered, practical, and thematic ones.


Mathematics teaching; teacher education; teaching efficacy; theories of teaching


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